Access Meeting Resources Guide
Use this guide to learn how to code to access the meeting resources from Webex.
anchorAccess Meeting Resources Guide
anchorSolutions for sales enablement need to know what meetings are occurring, who are the participants in each individual meeting, when these meetings start and end, and how to access the content from these meetings. Web developers have asked for improved availability of connecting to the resources that allow applications to be meeting aware and get access to post meeting resources.
anchorGetting Started
anchorTo leverage assets from a meeting, you must first ensure the following settings are enabled in Webex when the meeting starts:
Recording: To record the meeting, you must enable the recordings option. This can be done by the users during a meeting or programmatically via API for a scheduled meeting.
Transcripts: To create a transcript, you must turn on Webex Assistant. This cannot be done programmatically and must be turned on by the meeting host/participant or set as default behavior in the control hub. NOTE: Webex Assistant requires a license.
anchorAccessing Meeting Resources
anchorWhen a meeting ends, Webex triggers a notice that unlocks the meeting assets that you can retrieve.
To achieve this via APIs, you must create a webhook to notify of the meeting termination.
The documentation for the Webhook APIs can be found at
Creation is a post request to /v1/webhooks event = ended and resource = meetings
The post might look like below:
"name": "Meeting Ended Webhook",
"targetUrl": "",
"resource": "meetings",
"event": "ended",
Then the response might be something like:
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VybjpURUFNOnVzLXdlc3QtMl9yL1dFQkhPT0svNDk5ZjkxZjItY2QxMi00NTk2LWEzYjctNDY4NTA1OGQ2NTlm",
"name": "Meeting Ended Webhook",
"targetUrl": "",
"resource": "meetings",
"event": "ended",
"orgId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi81NWM1YWUzZi04ZDdmLTQyN2ItYTRmOS01ZTNjYjNkZGRmN2I",
"createdBy": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9hYzAxZjUzMi1kMDIyLTRmOGUtYTQ5NC1mMGE0ZDc5ZTUyMjc",
"appId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0FQUExJQ0FUSU9OL0NmMzkyNWU5NDFmMzhhYTc0M2Y0MmFiNzcwZmZhZjFhNTIyMjcxZDI5OTQ4NDhjNjk2YWMwYTEwN2Q2YTg5MjI3",
"ownedBy": "creator",
"status": "active",
"created": "2021-05-14T20:20:01.024Z"
If you want to synchronize your app with all meetings, there are webhooks for the following categories: created, updated, and deleted.
The webhook you receive for a "meeting ended" event might look something like:
"id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VybjpURUFNOnVzLXdlc3QtMl9yL1dFQkhPT0svNDk5ZjkxZjItY2QxMi00NTk2LWEzYjctNDY4NTA1OGQ2NTlm",
"name": "Meeting Ended Webhook",
"targetUrl": "",
"resource": "meetings",
"event": "ended",
"orgId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi81NWM1YWUzZi04ZDdmLTQyN2ItYTRmOS01ZTNjYjNkZGRmN2I",
"createdBy": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9hYzAxZjUzMi1kMDIyLTRmOGUtYTQ5NC1mMGE0ZDc5ZTUyMjc",
"appId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0FQUExJQ0FUSU9OL0NmMzkyNWU5NDFmMzhhYTc0M2Y0MmFiNzcwZmZhZjFhNTIyMjcxZDI5OTQ4NDhjNjk2YWMwYTEwN2Q2YTg5MjI3",
"ownedBy": "creator",
"status": "active",
"created": "2021-05-14T20:20:01.024Z",
"data": {
"id": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_I_194316955237236650",
"meetingType": "meeting",
"timezone": "UTC",
"start": "2021-05-14T20:25:19Z",
"end": "2021-05-14T20:26:54Z",
"hostUserId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9hYzAxZjUzMi1kMDIyLTRmOGUtYTQ5NC1mMGE0ZDc5ZTUyMjc",
"state": "ended",
"hostEmail": "",
"siteUrl": "",
"orgId": "55c5ae3f-8d7f-427b-a4f9-5e3cb3dddf7b"
It is important to remember that you need to store the ID in the data, since retrieving listings will only return future and in progress meetings. You cannot recover this ID historically and need to store in your app.
Developer Note: When a meeting is created, the ID will look different than post meeting ID in webhook. Webex appends an additional ID that is demarcated with “_I_”. For example, in the above case the ID on end event was: '501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_I_194316955237236650'
In the pre-meeting creation, the ID for the event would have been: '501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13'
anchorFind Recording Assets
anchorAfter a meeting has finished, Webex will process and store post meeting assets and make them available through the endpoint: - /v1/recordings
You can query for all available recordings by leaving the query parameters blank or you can set specific data such as meetingId
as in the example below:
The response will look something like this:
"items": [
"id": "724a81a697201039a976005056819cde",
"meetingId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_I_194316955237236650",
"scheduledMeetingId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_20210514T203000Z",
"meetingSeriesId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13",
"topic": "Test meeting-20210514 2025-1",
"createTime": "2021-05-14T20:28:53Z",
"siteUrl": "",
"downloadUrl": "",
"playbackUrl": "",
"password": "tA3hwXUm",
"format": "MP4",
"durationSeconds": 85,
"sizeBytes": 4982263,
"shareToMe": false
The download and playback URLs are accessible via browser and require the password associated in the response.
If you want a direct download link, you can use the Get Recording Details API.
As found in the above example with id": "724a81a697201039a976005056819cde
This will return a response like the following:
"id": "724a81a697201039a976005056819cde",
"meetingId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_I_194316955237236650",
"scheduledMeetingId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_20210514T203000Z",
"meetingSeriesId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13",
"topic": "Test meeting-20210514 2025-1",
"createTime": "2021-05-14T20:28:53Z",
"siteUrl": "",
"downloadUrl": "",
"playbackUrl": "",
"password": "tA3hwXUm",
"temporaryDirectDownloadLinks": {
"recordingDownloadLink": "×tamp=1621283371277&islogin=yes&isprevent=no&ispwd=yes",
"audioDownloadLink": "×tamp=1621283371276&islogin=yes&isprevent=no&ispwd=yes",
"expiration": "2021-05-17T23:29:31Z"
"format": "MP4",
"durationSeconds": 85,
"sizeBytes": 4982263,
"shareToMe": false
anchorGet the Transcripts – VTT and TXT format
anchorYou can now query for the transcripts using endpoint:- /v1/meetingTranscripts/
A query might look like:
This will return to something like this:
"items": [
"id": "a5038f0b-320a-456f-a51f-7541eeb0eae5_M_501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13",
"meetingId": "501e995485e2460bb129410116757b13_I_194316955237236650",
"startTime": "2021-05-14T20:25:22Z",
"vttDownloadLink": "",
"txtDownloadLink": ""
anchorGet Assets in JSON format with speaker name
anchorIf you are designing an application that needs to programmatically use the transcript content, including speaker name in a machine readable format, use the snippets API.
The response body might be like the following:
+ Response 200 (application/json;charset=UTF-8)
+ Attributes
+ items (array[SnippetObject], fixed-type) - Transcript snippet array
+ Body
"items": [
"id": "195d64646ad14be2924ea50f541fd91d_00001",
"text": "Hello everyone",
"personName": "John Andersen",
"personEmail": "",
"offset": 1000,
"duration": 1500
The offset field is the meeting start time in seconds. The ID field is a unique ID for the speaker slot.
anchorSet recording to on During a Meeting
anchorWhile the host of a meeting can toggle-on recording manually, you can also ensure that all meetings have their recording enabled programmatically. When you receive a meeting creation notification, use the meeting ID to find the details of a meeting.
The documentation for using the APIs can be found at
The endpoint for meetings is: /v1/meetings
To retrieve a meetings details, perform a Get to /vi/meetings with the meeting ID set in the request URI along with any optional parameters you choose. This would look like:,%5Bobject%20Object%5D&state=%5Bobject%20Object%5D,%5Bobject%20Object%5D,%5Bobject%20Object%5D,%5Bobject%20Object%5D,%5Bobject%20Object%5D,%5Bobject%20Object%5D&isModified=false&
"items": [
"id": "870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402_20191101T120000Z",
"meetingSeriesId": "870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402",
"meetingNumber": "123456789",
"title": "Example Daily Meeting",
"agenda": "Example Agenda",
"password": "BgJep@43",
"phoneAndVideoSystemPassword": "12345678",
"meetingType": "scheduledMeeting",
"state": "ready",
"isModified": false,
"timezone": "UTC",
"start": "2019-11-01T12:00:00Z",
"end": "2019-11-01T13:00:00Z",
"hostUserId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9jN2ZkNzNmMi05ZjFlLTQ3ZjctYWEwNS05ZWI5OGJiNjljYzY",
"hostDisplayName": "John Andersen",
"hostEmail": "",
"hostKey": "123456",
"siteUrl": "",
"webLink": "",
"sipAddress": "",
"dialInIpAddress": "",
"enabledAutoRecordMeeting": false,
"allowAnyUserToBeCoHost": false,
"enabledJoinBeforeHost": false,
"enableConnectAudioBeforeHost": false,
"joinBeforeHostMinutes": 0,
"allowFirstUserToBeCoHost": false,
"allowAuthenticatedDevices": false,
"telephony": {
"accessCode": "1234567890",
"callInNumbers": [
"label": "US Toll",
"callInNumber": "123456789",
"tollType": "toll"
"links": [
"rel": "globalCallinNumbers",
"href": "/api/v1/meetings/870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402/globalCallinNumbers",
"method": "GET"
anchorViewing the Log of the Participants
anchorThe meeting invite list can tell you who was invited, but it does not reveal who actually attended. Once a meeting is in progress or ended, you can query for a list of participants using: - /v1/meetingParticipants
With meetingID as a query parameter, you can request this information as follows:
This will return a response something like:
"items": [
"id": "870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402_20191101T120000Z",
"meetingSeriesId": "870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402",
"meetingNumber": "123456789",
"title": "Example Daily Meeting",
"agenda": "Example Agenda",
"password": "BgJep@43",
"phoneAndVideoSystemPassword": "12345678",
"meetingType": "scheduledMeeting",
"state": "ready",
"isModified": false,
"timezone": "UTC",
"start": "2019-11-01T12:00:00Z",
"end": "2019-11-01T13:00:00Z",
"hostUserId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9jN2ZkNzNmMi05ZjFlLTQ3ZjctYWEwNS05ZWI5OGJiNjljYzY",
"hostDisplayName": "John Andersen",
"hostEmail": "",
"hostKey": "123456",
"siteUrl": "",
"webLink": "",
"sipAddress": "",
"dialInIpAddress": "",
"enabledAutoRecordMeeting": false,
"allowAnyUserToBeCoHost": false,
"enabledJoinBeforeHost": false,
"enableConnectAudioBeforeHost": false,
"joinBeforeHostMinutes": 0,
"allowFirstUserToBeCoHost": false,
"allowAuthenticatedDevices": false,
"telephony": {
"accessCode": "1234567890",
"callInNumbers": [
"label": "US Toll",
"callInNumber": "123456789",
"tollType": "toll"
"links": [
"rel": "globalCallinNumbers",
"href": "/api/v1/meetings/870f51ff287b41be84648412901e0402/globalCallinNumbers",
"method": "GET"